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The Judging Process carried out by independent, experienced professionals, ensures that founder teams can clearly communicate, support, and sustain their innovative idea, product or process, and have the potential to commercialize and scale a successful venture. 

Carried out by highly skilled and well-respected professionals, the Judging Process is of paramount importance: it ensures that all applicant teams,  irrespectively of competition category, industry, or product scope, can clearly communicate, support, and sustain their innovative idea, product or process. 


The Judges, highly respected professionals in their fields and leaders of innovative practices themselves, undertake the challenging task of identifying the "crème de la crème" of each year's competition entrants.


The competition consists are two (2) Judging Rounds: 


  1. The Initial Judging Round for 2024 will take place between Monday, May 6th and Friday, May 17th, 2024. Its objective is to select which companies from each track will be named Finalists, and move on to the Second and Final Round of the Competition, The Eddies Showcase (Wednesday, October 9, 2024, from 4 to 8:30 pm). The number of finalists may fluctuate between 3 and 4 in each competition track. 

  2. The Final Judging is completed the night of The Eddies Showcase (Wednesday, October 9th). Judges must submit their ballots upon exiting at the end of the evening. The purpose of this round is to select the (one) Eddie Winner, per track.


All cohort teams are celebrated at the Annual Evening of Innovation (Wednesday, November 20th, 2024); Winners for each track are announced at that time (no winner is notified in advance). 


Judging Criteria (for both Judging Rounds): 

All entries are judged on a 150-point system, which is comprised of the following elements:


  1. Degree of Innovation: how unique and disruptive is the product/technology or process? Is it ground-breaking? Does is improve outcomes or customer experiences? Can it be a “game-changer” in its market? (Max: 70 points).

  2. User Benefits/Problem-Solving: Is the product/technology or process in the market yet? Are consumers engaged? Can they clearly see its benefits? Is the result thoroughly communicated, understood and compelling? Does it seem likely that the product/technology or service will be adopted? Is it obvious that it will improve lives or experiences? (Max: 30 Points)

  3. Future & Sustainability: Does the application/entry suggest that this is a product/technology, process, service or idea that can survey beyond the life cycle of a “fad”? Does it showcase future and sustainable market potential? Does it seem likely that it will continuously succeed in generating enough revenue to cover costs and operation? (Max: 20 Points)

  4. Team Composition: Do team members possess complementary skills and faculties that represents all aspects the company requires to succeed? Are there any experienced commercialization employees, advisors or associates to help the efforts? Does the composition of the team seem likely to bring this project to fruition? (Max: 15 points)

  5. Presentation & Communication Message Clarity: The degree to which an applicant presentation or video (for the First Round) and live presentation and innovation demonstration (for the Second Round) are clear and concise in delivering the nature, benefits and uniqueness of the innovation presented? (Max: 15 points)

2025 Innovation Judges


151 South Bedford Street | Suite 106B

Burlington, MA 01803

©2019-2024 All Rights Reserved.​


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